Here We Grow

These 3 women, and others like them, are the very reason I took the courageous leap to start completely over. I knew there had to be a better way to get back to being an active participant in life and having true time freedom. This opportunity not only gives us that, but also the chance to work, travel, and play side by side while making an impact. What girl hasn’t dreamt of that?!

Starting over is full of fear, apprehension, and uncertainty.

You know what it is also full of – relief, hope, and excitement!

I am shedding the self doubt and finding renewed and stronger confidence. It has been 1 month and I have built what it took me over a year to do before – 1 month!! Someone pinch me because I still cannot believe it!!

This system is set up so everyone from the top down wins and we are proof! I am watching these women around me soar and I just cannot get enough!!

If you are tired of spinning your wheels and allowing self doubt to be in control, sis, we need to talk! It is not you, the system is flawed, and we have a better way!!

#wehavesomethingdifferent #beautylegacy

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